APS MULTI-DIVISIONAL STUDY OF THE PHYSICS OF NEUTRINOS FINAL GENERAL MEETING, SNOWMASS, JUNE 28-30, 2004 TENTATIVE PROGRAM June 28 -- 9:00: Organization and Expectations for this Meeting. The Open Questions about Neutrinos -- Boris Kayser 9:30: APS Divisional and Funding Agency Hopes for this Study. -- Divisional and Agency Representatives 10:30: Structure and Status of the Study Draft Report. -- Hamish Robertson 11:00: Coffee Break. 11:30: Items that Should Not Be Left Out of the Final Report. -- TBA 12:00: Report of the Theoretical Discussion Group. -- Rabi Mohapatra 12:30: Lunch. 2:00: Separate Meetings of Individual Working Groups and Combinations of Working Groups. 6:30: Adjourn for the Day. June 29 -- 8:30: Organizational Announcements. 9:00 - 12:30: Reports by the Working Groups, covering, for each group 1. A description of the working group final document. 2. How the goals of the experimental methods addressed by the group map onto the open neutrino questions. 3. The principal recommendations of the group. 9:00: Report of the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Direct Mass Search Working Group. 9:30: Report of the Solar and Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments Working Group. 10:00: Report of the Cosmology and Astrophysics Working Group. 10:30: Coffee Break. 11:00: Report of the Reactor Neutrino Experiments Working Group. 11:30: Report of the Superbeam Experiments and Development Working Group. 12:00: Report of the Neutrino Factory and Beta-Beam Experiments and Development Working Group. 12:30: Lunch. 2:00 - 6:00: Discussion of Working Group and Study Draft Conclusions and Recommendations. -- Discussion led by the Coordinating Committee (the Study Organizing Committee plus the Working Group Leaders) 7:00: Working dinner for Coordinating Committee to revise the Draft Study Report in response to the Events of the Day. June 30 -- 10:00: Discussion of Revised Study Conclusions, Recommendations, and Report. -- Discussion led by the Coordinating Committee 12:30: Working lunch for Coordinating Committee to further revise the Draft Study Report. 2:00: Discussion to Finalize the Study Conclusions and Recommendations. -- Discussion led by the Coordinating Committee 3:30: Coffee Break. 4:00: How the Study Final Report is to be Completed. -- TBA 4:30: Outreach Plans. -- Janet Conrad 5:30: Adjourn.